March Newsletter

Dear Praying Friends,

Acts 8:40 But Philip was found at Azotus: and passing through he preached in all the cities, till he came to Caesarea. 

This month I wanted to open our letter with this verse because it describes our lives at this time. While we enjoyed our time in Monterrey spreading the Gospel while we were simply passing through till we reached the city God has called us to which is Zacatecas.

We have finally made our move down to the city where God wants us to start a church. We are still unpacking and doing all that is necessary to our house, like painting a getting things in their proper places. We are very happy to be here and get things going.

We have already begun holding services with my parents and one other fellow from Mexico here. However, we cannot officially get a church started just yet. In order to do this, I need my residency. We have run into a little trouble receiving our residencies but it's not anything that God cannot handle. We are still trying and I am certain we will receive them it just may take a little bit longer than we planned on. Until the time we receive our residencies, we will continue sharing the Gospel with as many people as we can.

Thank you all for your prayers with all we have going on in our lives right now. It can be rather frustrating dealing with the government at times but we know God is in control. 

Thank you all once again we pray for you all often God Bless.

Unto the furtherance of the Gospel,

The Granger family

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