April Newsletter

Dear Praying Friends,

Wow, we cannot believe how fast this year is flying by us! So many things have happened and all we can do is hold on for the ride! 

This past month has been super busy getting things unpacked in our house and getting things ready for our first church plant.

As you know we have had a few services here in our home with a handful of people. We are excited to announce that we have a church building and it is ready to be used for the Lord. We have finished painting it and have already had a few services in it. The first service we had 5 visitors! Glory to God!! Please pray for us because on April first, we will be having a building dedication. We are hoping to have many more guests.

There are still a few things we are in need of such as more chairs, a table, and a real pulpit. So please pray the Lord will provide these things for us, as they are things we will need to have church services. Right not we have a makeshift pulpit I have made out of crates and we have a few lawn chairs for seats but we will need many more as we grow. 

We have enjoyed having Stephanie’s sister Hannah here for a visit. She has been a great help to us as we have been starting our first church plant. We are able to pass out hundreds of packets every Saturday with our church info inside of it. Also, we have the opportunity to go door to door soul-winning every week and we have seen many people make a profession of faith. 

Glory be to God for his never ending grace and mercy. We are so blessed to be your missionaries here in Mexico. Please pray God continues to use us here to see many people come to know Christ as Savior and grow in his word.

Thank you all again for your faithful support and prayers it means the world to us!

Unto the furtherance of the Gospel,

Trent, Stephanie, and Gabriella Granger

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