February Newsletter

Dear praying friends,

We pray you all have had a blessed start to your new year, we know we sure have! God has been so good already this year. Souls continue to come to Christ and Lives are being changed by the Gospel.

We were able to receive all of the American paper work for our little girl. Gabriella is now officially an American/Mexican and we are so excited to watch her grow! By God’s grace, we will train her in the ways of His word.

We have begun the process to apply for our permanent residencies. There is a lady in Mexico City that will be helping us with this. It is going to cost us about $1300 to get both our residencies all finalized. Please pray there will be no issues with the government and the fees do not go up, because they can. If everything goes according to plan we are told it should only take about a month for everything to be finalized. 

It has come time for us to begin our move to Zacatecas. We have finished our language school here in Monterrey but of course, learning a new language will always be a process for years to come. We do not want to quit learning the language and will always be learning new things. The Lord has opened the door for us to rent a house in a very safe neighborhood there in Zacatecas. Please pray for us as we go through the process of finding movers and getting all of our things moved down to Zacatecas. It could cost us anywhere from $500- $600 for a moving company here in Mexico to move our thing a distance of six hours.

We have talked with my father who lives there in Zacatecas and he is willing to allow us to use their garage at their house to start our church in. We are very excited for this! As we get more information about that process we will let you know. As of now, you can pray we will be able to see people saved and disciple the next six months or so we can get a church started. 

We cannot thank you all enough for all your faithful prayers and support. We know that you all holding the ropes back home has been a great help to us here on the field. Thank you all and God bless.                                                                                                                                                                    

Trent and Stephanie Granger

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