July Newsletter

Dear Praying Friends,

We hope everyone has had a great month and a happy 4th of July! We have been very busy the past month with meetings every Sunday mostly in Michigan.

We have just a few more weeks here in the states and then we will be going home to Mexico. So far, the past four weeks that we have been in the states, we have traveled almost six thousand miles. 

We are excited to be heading back to the field soon, but before we head back we have a few more meetings in Maryland, North Carolina, and Georgia then back to Mexico. Pray for us as we travel many miles that still lay ahead of us. Our goal, while here in the states, is to raise an additional $500 support. At present we have raised $200. Pray the rest of that will come in before our scheduled return to Mexico.

We have some exciting news! Last month we announced we are going to have a baby. While here in the states, we were able to visit a friend of ours and get an ultrasound done and we now know the gender of the baby. We would like to announce to you all that we are having a little Girl. The name we have chosen is Gabriella Fe Granger. Gabriella means “God is my strength” and Fe is Spanish for Faith. We are very excited for our little Gabriella, who should arrive on December 9th. Please pray for Stephanie as the time draws closer for our little one to arrive. 

Thank you all again for all your prayers and faithful support. You all are in our prayers. 

Unto the furtherance of the Gospel,

Trent, Stephanie, & Gabriella Granger

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