June Newsletter

Dear praying friends,

Things are going really well for us and last month was a great blessing. Many things went on like graduations and big days!

We had a big day last month where we had ninety-one visitors, saw sixty-seven saved in the service, and twenty-seven baptized. God has blessed that’s for sure. 

We continue to go out soul-winning and get to talk with people every week and see many of them accept Christ as their savior. It is so amazing to see the tender hearts of the people here and how open they are to the Word of God. 

The last letter we sent out we asked prayer for a very special prayer request. We are now able to share that prayer request with you all. We are very excited to announce that we have a new addition to our family coming December ninth. That’s right we are expecting our first child the end of the year.  Pray for Stephanie she is right now only three months along so we do not know the gender just yet but we should know by the time our next letter comes out. 

Thank you all for your prayers and support. We are very excited yet very nervous at the same time. we will be having the baby here in Mexico. So please pray everything will go well for the pregnancy and labor. We have found a doctor that speaks a little bit of English and he has been God sent! 

We are in the states for the summer so please pray for traveling mercies and that Steph does well with all the driving we are and will be doing. We head back to Mexico the end of July and begin our second year of language school in August. 

Thank you again for all your faithful prayers and support. God bless

Unto the furtherance of the Gospel,

Trent, Stephanie, and Baby Granger

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