Granger Ministries

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October Newsletter

Dear Praying Friends,

It has been another exciting month here in Mexico! So many things have been happening and we are just excited to serve our Savior!

This month has been packed full of Spanish classes, Church services, Big days, soul-winning, and much much more. Here at Mount Heron on the 24th of September, we had “Dia Grande” which was their yearly “Big day promotion.” 

There were several hundred’s of people in attendance and many people received Christ as their Savior. The week prior to “Dia Grande” there were rallies held all over the city each night. On Saturday night we had over one thousand people in attendance with over half of them raising their had in making a profession of faith! WOW GOD IS GOOD!! 

Of course, we had opportunities to go out soul-winning all month long and one Saturday morning I was able to talk with two teen girls about salvation and they accepted Christ as their Savior. Please pray for April and Cecilia that they may come to church and grow in the Lord. 

Stephanie is doing great and Gabriella is growing up a storm. December 9th is coming up fast and we have so much still to do. We want to thank you all for your prayers for Steph and Gabriella. Continue to pray all goes well and there are no issues in the delivery. 

We have a huge prayer request we would like you all to pray with us about. In January we will be applying for our residencies please pray we receive those quickly and without any issues. Also, we will need to sell our car and get a vehicle here in Mexico. They will not allow us to bring our car into Mexico once we are residents because it is “too old.”

Thank you all again for all your faithful prayers and support. You are always in our prayers.

Unto the furtherance of the Gospel,

Trent and Stephanie Granger