November Newsletter

Dear Praying friends,

It has been another month and we have been busy for the Lord here in Mexico! We want to thank you for all your prayers you offer up on our behalf. We know it's because of the prayers of you our friends we can fight the good fight here and keep on keeping on for Christ!

We have been faithfully going out soul winning and seeing souls saved time and time again. Language School is going great. We have been getting into past tense and past tense irregular verbs. What does that mean you may ask? Well, let’s just say it's getting harder! Praise be to God for a great teacher who is patient and helping us tremendously to learn this language. We are more than grateful for Sister Jessica and her family!

Stephanie and the baby are doing great. We cannot believe in about four to five weeks we will have little Gabriella in our arms. We are so excited and grateful the Lord has given us the opportunity to raise this little one for His honor and His Glory! 

Please continue to pray as we finish up language school. We have about six more months till we are done and make our move to Zacatecas! We are excited to make the Move and begin the work the Lord has for us in our city. 

Thank you again for all your prayers and support. We want to let you know we are praying for you and the ministry there in your town, as well. We want to see the work of the Lord spread where you are, where we are, and around the world.

Unto the furtherance of the Gospel,

Trent and Stephanie Granger

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