September Newsletter

Dear Praying Friends,

Wow, we cannot believe it has already been a full year since we have been here. The fifteenth of August marked our one year mark and it has been amazing. We cannot tell you how honored we are to be serving our King here in Mexico. 

In the past year, we have made many new friends, seen many people come to know Christ as their savior, and ate more tacos than we can count. We are looking forward to many more years on the field serving Christ.

Over the past month, we have continued to go out soul winning and see people saved every week. Mount Hebron had their Family conference and had many people making decisions to be a better husband, wife, or child. There was an evangelist from the states preaching the conference that has been coming here to Mount Hebron for the past twenty-five years. It was a great week!

We have begun to get things ready for our little baby coming in December. However, there is still lot’s to do. With this being our first baby we are doing our best at figuring this thing out. Thankfully Stephanie comes from a big family and has a better idea about what to do than I do. Please pray for Stephanie as these last few months can be trying physically on her. She and the baby are doing great and has had no complications but much prayer is appreciated.

We have also begun putting things together for our move to Zacatecas. We move in just nine months. We do have a future plan but of course, we are going to be tender to the Holy Spirit and his leading. Our goal is by the beginning of 2019 to have our first church started! Please continue to pray as we continue our language studies and begin our move to Zacatecas in May.

Thank you all for your faithful prayers and support.

Unto the furtherance of the gospel,

Trent and Stephanie Granger

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