January Newsletter

Dear Praying Friends,

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and new year! We can not believe it is already 2017. Last year seemed to fly by rather quickly. As we take a moment and look back on the year God gave us we are overwhelmed with how good he has been. 

Last year we were able to move to Mexico, meet and make many new friends both on the field and while on deputation.

The past 5 months we have been here, have been amazing. We have learned so much in the language but still have so much to learn. We have enjoyed getting to know the people and culture. It has been wonderful and we are so blessed to be chosen by God to serve him in Mexico.

We were able to go and visit my parents down in Zacatecas for about a week over Christmas break. They are about 5 hours from where we live. They are doing great and the Lord is blessing. When it was time for us to leave and began our journey home. About 45 minutes outside of Zacatecas there is a Federally checkpoint and when we were about a half of a mile away from it they were stopping people and telling them they had to either turn around or find another way through. 

If you have not heard there are a lot of riots and protests going on in Mexico right now. The people have been protesting about a tax that has gone up. In some cities, people have been killed and injured. That is why we could not get through. We turned around and went back to my parents house and left the next day.

Thankfully we made it back home. Where we are there has not been many incidences or major riots. We, along with Mexico would really appreciate your prayers right now.

Aside from all of the things that have been going on in our country God is still saving souls. Here is a picture of a man I meet out soul winning while we were on Bus visitation. His name is Everardo I was able to tell him about the saving Grace of our Lord and he bowed his head and accepted Christ as his Savior.

Praise the Lord Everardo is the first of many more to come! With Gods help, we are going to see great numbers of people saved here in Mexico.

Please continue to pray as we have only one and a half years left of language school before we move to Zacatecas. Pray the language will come quickly and God will continue keeping us safe and using us in great and mighty ways.

Again we want to thank you all for all your faithful support, prayers, and for holding the ropes where you are. Thank you and God bless.

Unto the furtherance of the gospel,

Trent and Stephanie Granger

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