July Newsletter

Just a Month and a Half left!

Dear Friends,

We just want to take a moment and thank you all for your faithful prayers and support. Some of you have been with me from the very beginning.  The past four years have flown by with our marriage, our one year anniversary, and many other life changing events which have lead to our soon departure for Mexico this August 15th.

August is just around the corner and we are excited to finally get to Mexico. Since our last prayer letter we have had a few new churches take us on!  We now we are at 80% of our total support!  We know its because of your faithful prayers! 

As our departure date gets closer and closer the need for supplies increases as well.  Everything that we own currently fits in our little ‘07 Nissan Sentra. We are going to have to start from scratch when we first arrive, we need to buy everything from a bed to all the things we will need for the kitchen. We have made a list on amazon.com where we can buy most of our kitchen needs.  However as far as a bed, couch, fridge, and things of that nature we will have to purchase from a store once we arrive. 

If the you would like to give to our move to Mexico we would greatly appreciate it. You can give two different ways. You can either go to our website trent-granger.squarespace.com or go to amazon.com & GoFundMe.com and give directly there. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

We are so excited to start language school and learn the language, however, we are most excited about seeing souls saved and getting our first church started. Please continue to pray for us as we finish up the deputation trail and move to Mexico. Thank you and God Bless. 

Unto the Furtherance of the Gospel,                                                                                              Trent and Stephanie Granger

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