Missions Update Letter June
Dear Friends,
It has been an eventful month for us! We have been in several different states during the month of May. We traveled around Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan. We have had lots of meetings. However, since these states are close, thankfully we did not have to travel as many miles as the months past. This month we traveled about 2,000 miles.
We have enjoyed traveling visiting many different churches in our beautiful country. This past month we have had three churches take us on for support! AMEN, GOD IS GOOD!!! This now means that we are at 77% of our total support! It has been amazing watching God provides for us.
There are times when missionaries on deputation get discouraged. The missionaries support is not coming in like they would hope …then the Lord blesses, sending three churches in one month, partnering with them. What an encouragement!
It is your faithfulness in prayers, support, and communication that helps us keeping on. Paul said in Philippians 4:15 “Now ye Philippians know also, that in the beginning of the gospel…no church communicated with me concerning giving and receiving, but ye only.” It is a blessing to have such a group of people investing in us, in prayers, finances, and time!
We are very excited. We only have two and a half months left! Please pray for us as we move. Pray all will go smoothly, and that we will be able to get all the things we will need. It is going to cost us about $2,000-3,000 on top of our normal support to get all the things we need. We have about $1,000 of that saved so far.
Thank you all once again, and we look forward to what God has in-store.
Unto the furtherance of the Gospel,
Trent and Stephanie Granger