Quick Update

Dear Praying Friends and Family,

We thank you all for all of the faithful prayers and support you have given to Stephanie and I. You all are a valuable partner to us in the Ministry. I was just preaching the other day to a congregation in Fl and said “If it wasn’t for our Friends and Family back home lifting us up in prayer we couldn’t do what we are doing”. We know for a fact that daily prayers are being sent up for us as we travel. As many of you know we have started our full time deputation and are on the road a LOT now. Currently we are in Florida visiting churches and in December we will be taking a trip to Mexico for a few months. While we are there we will be able to attend some langue school classes at the school we will be going to when we are there permanently later in 2016. Pray for us as we travel and while we are in Mexico that we will have traveling mercies and be able to see many souls come to know Christ along our Missionary journey. Again we thank you all and God bless everyone of you.

With much love and prayer,

Trent and Stephanie Granger

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