
Dear Pastor and Praying Friends,

There is so much to tell all of you about. God has been so good to us these past few months. Starting off we are now at 65%. God is so good!! We are looking for just nine more churches at $100 each to take us on for support, and we will be at our goal of 100%. As many of you know our goal is to be on the field by July of 2016.

Recently we have had a lot of meetings and have many more to come. We have been in Florida for the past few weeks and will be here till the end of November. We have a meeting every Sunday till the end of November except for one Sunday. We are looking to try to fill that Sunday.

After all of our meetings in Florida. We will begin our journeys West to the fair state of Texas. The first part of December we will be In Louisiana working our way West. We plan mid December to be on the boarder. We are very excited about our short trip to our city for a few months.

We have begun to learn and study the langue while we are on the road and will be taking a few classes while we are in Mexico for a few mouths.

About a month ago we before our journey South the Lord blessed us with a new car. It is a Nissan Sentra and it gets great gas milage, much better than my Jeep did. Yes we had to sell the Jeep. I think I might have cried a little all the way up until they put the money in my had then I was totally ok with it!

During our travels we have been able to see and do some fun things along the was such as explore the Florida caverns and walk some beautiful beaches. However the best part has been seeing a lot of old friends and family we have not seen for a long time.

This is Stephanie’s first time meeting a lot of you and she has enjoyed meeting every one of you. She is looking forward to meeting many more of you.

Pray for us as we travel that the Lord will give us traveling mercies, we will stay in good health, and for the rest of our support to come quickly.

Thank for you faithful support, Prayers, and holding the ropes back home so we can do what God has called us to do on the field. Keep on keeping on. God Bless.

Trent and Stephanie Granger

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