June Newsletter

Dear Praying Friends,

What a mighty God we serve! Several months ago, if you remember, I asked you to pray for a

man named Giovanni. I met him and gave him a New Testament with my contact information

inside. Last month, he called me crying for help with his alcohol addiction. I told him I knew

someone that could help and wanted to introduce them. So we went to his house and met his

family, and after about an hour of sharing the Gospel with him, he prayed and cried out to God

to save him! It was a great thing to watch God work! Please pray God will continue to work in

his life.

We have truly been blessed to be used by God in Mexico. We have given Him six years of our

lives, our entire marriage, and both our children have been born here! We have seen two

churches started, and many people saved and baptized while serving the King!

Our motto has always been that we will serve in a place until God moves us or until we die. The

time has come, and God has decided to move us. Lord willing, we will be moving back to the

States and begin working in a church in Indiana by July.

God has given us a great skill set, and we plan on using these skills for His glory. The United

States is the second-largest Spanish-speaking country in the world, behind Mexico. We plan to

start a Spanish church and help our local English speaking church in Indy. Indiana has a

substantial Spanish-speaking population with very few Solid bible-believing Spanish churches.

We covet your prayers for us in this transition. If you have any questions, please call or email

me. While this was a hard decision to make, we know this is God's will for our lives after much

prayer and counsel! Thank you all for your faithful prayers and support.

Unto the Furtherance of the Gospel,

The Granger Family

Trent GrangerComment