July Newsletter

Dear praying friends,

We cannot believe another month has passed and the year is halfway over! Time flies when you are having fun and we are having the time of our lives serving our Lord here in Mexico! We cannot thank you all enough for your prayers for us.

Just this past week we were able to receive our mail and all the letters and cards we received were such a blessing to our hearts! Thank you all who sent us those notes, cards, and photos.

God is doing great things here and we continue to see people saved every time we go out soul-winning. So far this year we have been able to see nearly 60 people saved just door to door soul-winning. God truly is good! Our services are going great and we have been able to start our Sunday evening services now and the Lord continues to bless.

As many of you might have heard we just had the elections for a new president here in Mexico. The people call the man who won AMLO. Please pray for us here because this is always a scary time when there is a new power in office because we never know what kind of crazy laws they will pass. The president here runs for a six-year term and AMLO has a very socialistic style of thinking. However, just as it says in 1 Timothy 2 we must pray for those in authority over us “that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” We know God is in control and we will just keep on serving Him as we always have! AMEN!

We are excited to see what God has in store for the future and for our church here in Zacatecas. Thank you once again for all your faithful prayers for us. Go bless you all.

Unto the furtherance of the Gospel,

Trent Granger and family

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