Granger Ministries

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January Newsletter

Dear Praying Friends,

Wow, we cannot believe it is 2018 already! It is amazing how time has flown by and so many things have happened this past year. We are so excited to see what the Lord is going to do this year in 2018.

2017 held many wonderful things for us. We received a new member of our family and we were able to see many new members come into the family of God. It is amazing just how good God has been!

This new year holds many new and exciting things for us. We are excited to see how the Lord is going to use us here in Mexico. We will be moving to Zacatecas this year, witnessing more and more, starting Bible studies with people, and getting things in line to start our Church! We are so grateful for your many prayers for us, as we seek to serve God.

We also pray all of you had a wonderful Christmas and New Years and the Lord blessed you with greatly. We had a wonderful first Christmas with our little Gabriella. She did great and was so cute. She loved her first Christmas and we look forward to many more exciting years with this little blessing from the Lord. Thank you to all who sent us a special love offering this Christmas. It was a great blessing to our family.

As we look to this new year, we covet your prayers. With the move to Zacatecas getting closer every day we need much prayer. Please pray the Lord will allow us to find a good and affordable house for us to make our home. Also, please pray that we have no issues when moving to Zacatecas.

We would love to hear from you and hear how your Christmas and New Yeas went. Thank you for all your prayers and remember we are praying for you all as well.

Unto the furtherance of the Gospel,

The Granger Family