October Newsletter
Dear Praying friends,
What a month God has given us this past month! September 16th was Mexico’s Independence Day. We had what we called “Dia Gande” translated “Big Day”. We had great services! We had a few visitors and some great food afterward! After our morning service, we had a lunch and an afternoon service. There was a great spirit among the people of the Lord here in Zacatecas.
We continue to go soul winning every Thursday evening. We have changed the time now to 6:30 and have seen a little bit of a better response from the people we talk to. Very rarely do we go out soul winning and not see someone make a profession of faith. Pray that we may stay faithful to the calling and continue giving the Gospel out every chance we get!
While out visiting folks we have noticed there are a lot of who would come but do not have a way of getting to church. We already have filled up our car and my parents truck with people but there is still a big need. We are praying the Lord would provide us a van so we can get a bus route started. In every church I have ever been a part of in the states I was always a part of the Bus ministry and it is a ministry close to my heart. There is a great need here for a bus ministry. Would you pray with us about getting a route start so we can reach more people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
Thank you all so much for your faithful prayers and support. It is such a blessing to know we have friends and family back home praying for us! God bless!
Unto the furtherance of the Gospel,
The Granger Family