May Newsletter

Dear Praying Friends,

It has been another blessed and busy month serving Christ here in Mexico! Continue to pray many souls come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

This month we were able to see my parents. They came up for a weekend visit. It was very nice to see them even if it was for a short time.

On the twenty-third we had “Dia Granda” at the church. It was a big promotion day and forty-one souls were saved and eighteen baptized. We also had “Clubes Biblios” Bible Clubs all over the city. We had Clubs from downtown to tiny villages in the mountains. In total, I believe, close to eight hundred children and adults made professions of faith.

We only have a couple of weeks till we are finished with our first year of language school and then only one more year till we are complete with the language training here in Monterrey. Please pray for us that we may be fluent in the Spanish language when we are done here. 

We have two months off for Summer break.  We will be coming back to the states to try to raise a little more support. We scheduled a few meetings prior to our move to Mexico so we will be going to those along with trying to visit as many new churches as possible to raise a little more well needed support.

Please pray for us this month that the Lord will use us to bring many to Him. We do have a special unspoken prayer request that we would appreciate your prayers for greatly. Thank you all once again for all you do.  You are in our prayers often. God bless.

Unto the furtherance of the Gospel,

Trent and Stephanie Granger