October Update
Dear Praying Friends,
It has been another busy month here in Mexico! Words cannot express how blessed we feel to be hereand see God using us on our field. The past month has been full of language school, many ministry opportunities, and eating many tacos! We are so blessed to have made many friends which helped us get settled in. These friends have made the move and transition to a foreign country much easier and we areso blessed to have them.
Since we have been here we have had opportunities to get involved in the ministry that the language school is a under. Our schedule is pretty full on a weekly basis. Suday I get to ride the Bus and attempt to communicate with all the riders. We have school all week long with Church on Wednesday and Soul-Winning on Friday. I also get to go out on my bus route on Saturday and visit all the folks who ride and invite many more.
One of the mind-blowing and amazing things about Mexico is how open they are for the Gospel. There is not a week that goes by where someone does not get saved. It is so much fun going out Soul-Winning and listening to the Gospel being given in the Spanish tongue. It is music to my ears. Please continue to pray that we can learn the language quickly so that we can be the ones giving the gospel.
We are getting settled into our little home which we love. Steph has been in decorative mode since day one. I super happy to see her so happy with the place God has blessed us with. We want to say thank you to all those who gave special love offerings to us to help us get moved in. It has been a great help.
last month (September 16th) was Independence day for Mexico. The church had a big celebration with lots of Tamales, meat, games, and a big piñata. Everyone kept telling us we were honorary Mexicans on that say. We are looking forward to the day they consider us as one of them all the time not just for one day.
Continue to pray for us as we learn the language. We know it will get easier as time goes by. At times feels very overwhelming andlike we are never going to get it. However we know we will and we just keep on giving our best and we know God will bless us.
Thank you all once again for all your prayers. I say it a lot because its true “Your prayers are what keeps us on the Field”. Know we are praying for you and your ministry where each of you are. God Bless you and keep on keeping on.
Unto the Furtherance of the Gospel,
Trent and Stephanie Granger