Granger Ministries

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December Newsletter

Dear Praying Friends,

Can you believe another year has flown past us? I honestly believe that time goes faster the older I get! However, serving the Lord also makes the time that much sweeter.

Our church plant here in Guadalajara is doing great! We continue to teach the people here the word of God and share the Gospel with the lost! Just the other day, I was at a small store that I regularly went to and got to share the Gospel with one of the men there. I have been building a relationship. Please pray as I continue to witness to him that he will receive the truth of the Gospel and get saved!

We have been able to find a house in the pueblo where our church is, and Lord willing, we will be able to move in next week. First, however, we need to save some money to put doors in the house! As of right now, there are no doors in any of the rooms. But we are confident God will provide

This move gives us a better place for the church to meet until we can buy some property and build a building for our church. We have raised a little over $5,000, and our goal is $10,000. This will allow us to buy the property, which is the first step. We are confident that God will provide all the funds needed in his timing!

Thank you all for your prayers for Stephanie and little Spurgeon. He was born on Gabriella's and my birthday on Dec. 1st at 1:40 pm. He weighed 6.3 lbs and was 19.6 in long! We are in Love, and Gabriella loves him to pieces! He and Stephanie are doing well. Please pray for Steph as she continues to recover from the c-section! But praise be to God everyone is healthy!

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support. God bless you all!

Unto the Furtherance of the Gospel,

The Granger family