
Our vision is a Mexico radically transformed by the Gospel. We dream of every Pueblo served by a local church, led by passionate, well-trained nationals who preach the Word of God and live out the love of Christ daily.




There are several things that we do such as Bigg evangelistic outreaches and blitzes. But what I have found to be the most effective for future Church planting is one-to-one soul-winning.

“Mass crusades, to which I have committed my life, will never finish the job; but one to-one will.” -Billy Graham

Discipleship Programs

After someone is saved, then begins the discipleship process. We will not only teach a person the basics of what it means to be a Christian and part of a local church but also how to be a long-term disciple of Jesus. If we want this work to continue after we are long gone we have to teach these people to reproduce and be long-term disciples of Jesus.

Training leading

We will be teaching in an established Bible College with a wonderful program to train nationals how to be effective pastors. It is a deep theological training as well as a practical pastoral training. To train nationals to be well-rounded and be well developed so they can be the most effective pastors they can be to reach their people!

Working with nationals

There will be places that as an American I will not be able to reach but nationals can. So we will work alongside them by doing evangelistic outreaches, big events to one soul-winning so that we can preach the gospel to the lost and see many communities reached for Christ.