Granger Ministries

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August Newsletter

Dear Praying Friends,

“God is good” this has been a quote we have lived by this past month. We would like to first apologize for the lateness of our letter this month. We have run into some unexpected difficulties.

As many of you know we had to go the border the beginning of the month to renew our visas.  On our way back home, we stopped in Monterrey to stay the night, visit some friends and go soul-winning with the church.  After soul-winning, we stopped to eat tacos...because after all this is Mexico.  While we were eating someone broke the window on our car and stole everything. They stole our Passports, visas, luggage with clothes, computer, iPad, birth certificates, just about everything in our car. We are praising the Lord no one was hurt during the theft. 

In all of this God has been good. We were able to apply for new passports and get all of Gabriella’s Mexican paperwork without any problems. We now just need to apply for new birth certificates for Stephanie and I along with a copy of our marriage license. 

As of the writing of this letter, we are still in Monterrey and waiting on one more passport. After we receive all our passports we need to try to get our Mexican visas reissued to us, then we will be able to head back to Zacatecas.

My dad has been filling in preaching while we have been trying to get all this sorted out. On the 12th, they had a big day at the church and gave away a few gifts. We had a record high of 14 with several new visitors. Please continue to pray for our church and that God will use us to do mighty things in Zacatecas.

Thank you all for your faithful prayers. We are so thankful and have felt the moving of the Lord these past few weeks. God bless you all.

Unto the furtherance of the Gospel,

The Granger Family