Granger Ministries

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May Newsletter

Dear Praying Friends,

Wow, God is doing some amazing things here in Zacatecas. We have had so many opportunities come our way this month I don’t know how to begin telling you all how good God has been to us in just one month.

This past month God has opened a few new doors for us and we would like to share those with you all. We got news about a month and a half ago that my parent's landlord is selling the house my parents are living in. As you know our Church is in my parent's garage. With them moving we have to move the Church building as well. It just so happens the house we are living in now is perfect for a Church building. Currently, we have almost out grown the small garage we are meeting in so we need to find a new building to meet in any way. Well, my parents, as well as our family, have found a new place to live and we are going to use our current house as the new Church building. I can't express to you how good God is for supplying like thing in his exact timing. 

Currently, we are using lawn chairs in our church and we are in need of purchasing more chairs for our growing church. Someone back in the states got ahold of us and let us know they would like to buy all the chairs for our new building. WOW GOD IS GOOD!! So we will be moving into our new church building prayerfully by the middle of May.

For the past year and a half, the Lord has lade on my heat the idea to start a Bible distribution center for Central Mexico. I Have never mentioned this to anyone outside my family and God has never seemed to open the door to do such a thing. Well a few weeks ago I was on the phone with a missionary in southern Mexico that has a bible distribution center there and he said: “Brother why don’t you come get some supplies from us and if the Lord is leading you-you could be the distribution center there for central Mexico.” I laughed and told him that this is something I have been praying about for the past your and a half but the Lord has never opened the door till now. So soon we will be starting a Bible distribution center to distribute bible and tracts to all the churches and missionaries here in central Mexico.

These are just a few things God is doing here aside from seeing many people accept Christ as there savior on a regular basis. We are so blessed to be chosen by God to serve him here in Mexico.

We have a few prayer requests we would appreciate your prayers for. 

First: We are still struggling with getting Gabriella's birth certificate corrected so we can get our permeant residencies. We now have all of the correct paper work they told us we needed to get it corrected so please pray the next time we go back to Monterrey to get it corrected we won't have any more issues. 

Secondly: Once we get all of Gabriella's paper work corrected we will then be able to apply for permanent residency. Pray there will be no issues and we will be able to receive those quickly. It will cost us about $1300 to get both our residencies.

Third: Please continue praying for our church and all the efforts we are doing for our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you all and sorry this letter is a little long this month we just have so much to share. Thank you all so much for your prayers and faithfulness. God bless you all.

Unto the furtherance of the Gospel,

Trent, Stephanie, and Gabriella