Granger Ministries

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August Newsletter

Dear Friends,

We want to say thank you for all your prayers over the past few months while we have been in the states. I is a great encouragement knowing you all are praying for us.

We are back down in Mexico. We had no issues getting our visas and we are now trying to get adjusted to this tremendously hot weather.

We were in the states for fifty-three days and traveled seven thousand eight hundred fifty-eight miles in that short time. We are glad to be back and not having to travel all those miles anymore. Our journey took us from Texas to Indiana, then up to Michigan where we were for most of that time. After Michigan, we were going to Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Georgia, and finally back to Mexico.

It is nice to be back and be involved back in the ministry here in Monterrey. We are still able to resume all the ministries we were in before. Our second year of language school starts August twenty-ninth. Pray that we will have a great school year and learn lots! We are excited to finish up our second year here and move on down to Zacatecas. 

Please continue to remember Stephanie and little Gabriella in your prayers. The heat can be hard on Stephanie so we are making sure she gets plenty of water and doesn't spend much time in the heat at all. Everything is going well with the pregnancy and we can't wait for December to get here. 

Again we want to thank you for all your faithful prayers and support. We are praying for you and your ministries as you serve the Lord there where you are. Thank you and God bless.

Unto the furtherance of the Gospel,

Trent and Stephanie Granger