Granger Ministries

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The Power of handing out a Tract

I would like to take a moment and speak to you about what kind of an impact you can have by simply passing out a tract. Now do not get me wrong I am not saying you should only hand out tracks and never talk to anyone about the Saving Grace of our Lord and Savior. However, I understand there are times where you cannot talk to someone or may not have the time to sit and chat with a person. We all have lives to live. Sometimes we may be going through a drive through at a fast food restaurant, or checking out at a grocery store but, we can always hand out a friendly invitation.

If you are not familiar with who my family and I are, we are Missionaries serving in Mexico. As of the writing of this letter we are in language school learning Spanish. You can imagine the difficulty of talking to someone in a foreign language. Sometimes just handing a tract is all we can literally do. 

Now that you know a little of our situation I would like to share a story with you, that happened with my wife while she was our soul-winning with the ladies of the Church we are serving in while in Language School.

The ladies go out soul-winning every Friday afternoon. My wife is not fluent in Spanish yet and it is difficult for her to communicate the Gospel sometimes in a language she barely knows. However, that dose not stop her from trying and definitely does not stop her for handing out hundreds of tracks. This particular Friday she was visiting with our Spanish teacher as they walked they passed this man sitting on a bench. My wife reached out and handed this man a tract. As they continued on handing out tracts and talking to people. When they were heading back to the can and saw this man still sitting on the bench. Our teacher asked the man if he read the track and understood what it said. The man replied “Yes i just read it and bowed my head and asked Christ into my heart to be my Savior.

See friends you never know the power and impact you can have by just handing a track to someone. I cannot count the number of tracts I have passed out over my life time and one day when I get to heaven I will get to see the impact the Gospel had on these people, just because I handed them a tract. 

My wife told me how excited she was to see this man accept Christ as his Savior. That is fruit to her account and another soul that will now spend eternity in Heaven with Christ.

I would like to encourage you, never stop soul-winning. Go the extra mile by handing out more tracts in your daily life. Make it a goal to pass out one track extra a day and then make it two and keep going. Never stop spreading the Gospel. God will bless you greatly for your efforts.