Granger Ministries

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April Newsletter

Dear Praying Friends,

We can hardly believe that it is already April. This year is flying by and God is doing great things here in Mexico. We have been very busy in the ministry here in Monterrey.

We are praising the Lord as people continue to accept Christ as their Savior. There is not a week that goes by without someone accepting Christ in their heart as Savior. Continue to pray for the people of Mexico. Pray that hearts continue to be tender to the gospel.

The weather is starting to get very warm as you can imagine. One afternoon Stephanie and I were sitting in our room enjoying our little A/C window unit we have in it, and it quit on us. Not only did our unit stop working but, it messed up the electricity to our house somehow. We still have some power, but,  we have to have an electrician come out and figure out what is wrong. Pray we can get it fixed soon!!!

God has been so good to us in so many different ways since we have been here. We are faithfully doing language school and as of the writing of this letter we have about three to four weeks of school left then we will be out for the summer. Then we have one more school year left before we make the move to Zacatecas. We are very excited!! Continue to pray for us as we continue to learn the language. 

Thank you for all your faithful prayers and support. We are so grateful for the work you do back in the States in Serving our God and being faithful to his calling. You are in our prayers often and we know you lift us up in your prayers often. God bless and keep on keeping on!

Unto the Furtherance of the Gospel,

Trent and Stephanie Granger